Blog Posts

Maybe This is Our “Do-Over”

Take a moment to think back to when you were younger on the playground with your friends. When something didn’t go the way you planned, when you made a misstep and got tagged in freeze tag, didn’t duck in time in dodge ball, got an unforeseen leg cramp while racing. What is the first thing you yelled when you felt that due to the outcome, you wanted the opportunity to try again? To give it your all? To start over and erase the initial loss and replace it with a win? What is the first thing that you yelled?

I NEED A DO-OVER!!! Why is that? Because you wanted to try again to correct your past mistake. So, think this over…

  • Remember two weeks ago you were complaining about your job?
  • Remember two weeks ago you were fussing over small things?
  • Remember when you said you wanted more time to spend with your kids?
  • Remember when you said you wanted more bonding time with your spouse?
  • Remember when you said you were sick of traffic every day?
  • Remember when you said you wanted more time to clean your home, but you didn’t have time because of work?
  • Remember when you said you were too busy to cook your family a meal?
  • Remember when you said you had no time to take an online class to finish your degree, let alone, continue your progress?
  • Remember when you said you were going to start reading books again?
  • Remember when you said you were going to start writing?
  • Remember when you said you wanted more prayer time or time period to spend with God?

And I could go on…

Do you remember? I do.

To be completely transparent, these are some things that I have definitely said before. Either to myself or out loud, at times due to our day to day overwhelming responsibilities that life may bring and I know many of you can relate as well.

What if through all of this God is giving us a do-over. He’s shown us time and time again that through His grace, He is giving us a do-over. Every day is a new day to do what pleases Him. Another day to serve those who need help the most. Another day to be an example of living a Christ-led life. Another day to forgive those that may have hurt us. Another day to ask for forgiveness ourselves. Another day to live for Him. Another day to be grateful and set aside our selfishness, because in some instances, we have a lapse in judgement and think that we have everything that we have… because of our own doing. Another day of GRACE and MERCY. Have we forgotten? Were we so much into ourselves and caught up in our selfies that we forgot about other people?

It’s interesting that the climate we live in at this present moment is forcing us into a movement of intentionally putting others first and actually show authentic kindness and compassion for others. Coming to the realization that it hasn’t been just about you all along.

Sometimes we just need a do-over.

In my finite mind, I can’t tell you exactly what our God of infinite power is doing, but He has given us eyes to see and ears to hear. Day to day things are becoming clearer. One common thing that is being spoken is “to be mindful of others”. Check on your loved ones, some are going to the grocery store for the elderly who are ill, schools in droves are providing children daily with meals. God is not a God only to certain persons, which is becoming apparently clear to those that may have somehow thought He may have belonged to one group of individuals (race, Denomination, what have you…). Why would the Word instruct us to Love Thy Neighbor- (Leviticus 19:18) if he only wanted us to care for certain individuals.

This is only day one for some and I can see that it is causing us to think differently. To act differently. To go about our day differently. To love differently. Why? Because through this we are shown once again that we are not in control. Once that trumpet sounds… that’s it. No more let me try again, I made a mistake, or I wasn’t ready. No more Do- Over’s.

It literally seems as if God is physically handing Grace to us and wondering how we will handle it, this time.

Like a family air loom someone gives to you while looking you square in the eye as if to non-verbally convey… “Handle with care”. This is of the utmost importance. This is sacred. Don’t lose this moment. Don’t miss this moment.

So, in this time where some may be frantic and anxiety is building (it’s understandable, remember that we are still human), we must pray and seek understanding. Not only for the world as a whole but pray for understanding of God wants you– yourself to learn and understand from all of this.

Be kind to others. Love your neighbors. Serve others. Spend time with your loved ones. Give & Forgive. Care. Be compassionate. Shine your light. By all means, continue to live and live INTENTIONALLY! There is a purpose and a plan for all of this. We’re stronger together. We’re still here. This may be our chance for a do-over. Whether it’s years, months, weeks, or these next few minutes. We don’t know God’s timing. But right this second as you’re reading this, He’s giving us time… for a Do-Over.

~Krystle Michelle


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