• Blog Posts

    Maybe This is Our “Do-Over”

    Take a moment to think back to when you were younger on the playground with your friends. When something didn’t go the way you planned, when you made a misstep and got tagged in freeze tag, didn’t duck in time in dodge ball, got an unforeseen leg cramp while racing. What is the first thing you yelled when you felt that due to the outcome, you wanted the opportunity to try again? To give it your all? To start over and erase the initial loss and replace it with a win? What is the first thing that you yelled? I NEED A DO-OVER!!! Why is that? Because you wanted to…

  • Blog Posts

    Why Crayons & Callings?

    So why Crayons & Callings? Being a mommy of a teenager and a 1-year-old who is going on 25, I’m pretty much all over the place physically and mentally. From girls scouts, band recitals, school/daycare drop offs and pick ups, after school activities, working… just for beginners. To being an awesome wife (if I should say so myself haha!), church, traveling and supporting my husband in ministry, and more. I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember and through many signs that have been shown to me, especially as of late, it’s time that I get back into it. I’ve been “busy” for such a long time.…

  • Blog Posts

    With Love, Krystle Michelle

      Here I am and here it is! I decided to start blogging (took me forever and a day!). I’ve been writing for a while now (I would say since the 3rd grade) but if I may be honest, I have been sitting on my gift. Honestly I’ve been kind of afraid to share. If “kind of” means “extremely” then YES, that’s the best way to describe it. You know, as writers or even individuals as general, we struggle with the thought of “who would actually care what I have to say”, “who would be interested in what I write about”, or even simply “am I even GOOD!?!”. Welp… I’m…